About Your Visit
We look forward to seeing you at your visit and partnering with you to obtain the best care for your retinal problems. Your appointment will begin with initial screening by a technician. We usually dilate both eyes which requires a period of time before seeing the physician. Your appointment may take up to two hours, especially the first visit.
Please Bring With You:
• A driver (as both eyes will be dilated)
• Sunglasses
• A current list and/or bottles of all eye drops
• A current list of all medications
• Picture identification such as driver’s license
• Health Insurance card and co-pay if required
• Name and contact info for your medical physician and eye doctors
• Address and phone number of your pharmacy
• Consultation form completed by your referring doctor (if provided).
• Pre-completed forms in this NEW PATIENT PACKET – if possible, fax them to 573-777-8739 before your appointment.