About Your Visit
We look forward to seeing you at your visit and partnering with you to obtain the best care for your retinal problems. Your appointment will begin with initial screening by a technician. We usually dilate both eyes which requires a period of time before seeing the physician. Your appointment may take up to two hours, especially the first visit.
Please Bring With You:
• A driver (as both eyes will be dilated)
• Sunglasses
• A current list and/or bottles of all eye drops
• A current list of all medications
• Picture identification such as driver’s license
• Health Insurance card and co-pay if required
• Name and contact info for your medical physician and eye doctors
• Address and phone number of your pharmacy
• Consultation form completed by your referring doctor (if provided).
• Pre-completed forms in this NEW PATIENT PACKET – if possible, fax them to 573-777-8739 before your appointment.
What is a Retinal Specialist?
A retinal specialist is an ophthalmologist who has undergone additional training specifically in the field of diseases and surgery of the vitreous and retina. Dr. Keithahn has completed a 2-year fellowship in vitreoretinal diseases and surgery and restricts her practice to these diseases in order to maintain a high level of expertise and provide the best care to her patients.
What are Common Diseases Seen by a Retinal Specialist?
Click here for a list with downloadable fact sheets from the American Society of Retinal Specialists. https://www.asrs.org/patients/retinal-diseases
Educational Videos
• Cystoid Macular Edema: Medication Injections
• CRVO: Medication Injections and Laser Surgery
• Detached Retina: Scleral Buckle
• Detached Retina: Pneumatic Retinopexy
• Detached Retina: Vitrectomy with Scleral Buckle
• Diabetic Eye Disease: Medication Injection and Laser Surgery for Macular Edema
• Diabetic Eye Disease: Medication Injection for Macular Edema
• Diabetic Eye Disease: Laser Surgery for Macular Edema
• Diabetic Eye Disease (PDR): Laser Surgery
• Diabetic Eye Disease (PDR) Vitrectomy
• Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
• Macular Hole: Vitrectomy Surgery
• Macular Pucker: Vitrectomy Surgery
• Vitreomacular Adhesion: Medication Injections
• Torn Retina: Laser Surgery (Photocoagulation)
• Medication Injections - Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
• Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Surgery Patients
If you have decided to proceed with surgery, we want you to have the best experience and outcome possible. We perform our surgeries whenever possible at the Surgery Center at the Forum which specializes in eye surgery and provides optimal peri-operative care for our patients.
With this goal in mind, please read the following important instructions. If desired, you may print out this instruction sheet.
Surgery Instruction Sheet - Printable
- You will need someone to drive you home from the surgery center and care for you for the first 24 hours after your surgery.
- Fill your drop prescriptions and bring them with you to the surgery.
- Please stop all blood thinning medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and other NSAIDS, Plavix, Coumadin, Eliquis, Effient, etc. one week prior to surgery. If your surgery is in within a week, please stop them immediately. If the medication is prescribed by a physician, you will need to contact them to approve of discontinuation.
- The night before your surgery, taking nothing by mouth after midnite. Also, no gum chewing or smoking.
- You will have a post op visit at our office 1-2 days after surgery.
If the above instructions are not adhered to, your surgery may need to be cancelled.
If you are having a gas bubble, consider obtaining the positioning equipment which will make you more comfortable. You will be given brochures on good sources.
If your surgery is non-urgent, it is possible that your surgery may be postponed in the event of an emergency.
Staff from the Surgery Center will call you prior to surgery to let you know what time you need to arrive the day of surgery and review the pre-op instructions.
If you have an Advanced Directive, please bring this with you.
If you develop cold symptoms or other medical issues, please contact Dr. Keithahn at 573-777-8738 immediately so that it may be treated early enough to avoid rescheduling your surgery.
Our surgeries are usually performed at: Surgery Center at the Forum, 1410 Forum Katy Parkway, Suite 102 Columbia, MO 65203
Payment & Insurance
We are participating providers for most insurance plans in Missouri. To ensure our physicians are in-network with your insurance plan, please call the member services number on your insurance card.
Please come prepared to pay your co-pay, coinsurance or deductible.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Care Credit.
If your insurance requires a referral or preauthorization, please have your primary care physician fax the form to (573)777-8739 prior to your visit. You will not be able to be seen without this.
If you have a question about your insurance coverage before your visit, please contact our billing department at (573)777-8738.